Prompt AI Detector

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AI Detector - Your Free Tool for Text Analysis

Instant Detection

Identify AI-written text instantly with our free AI detector, specifically designed to catch ChatGPT and other AI-generated content.


Superior Accuracy

Our advanced GPT detector technology precisely distinguishes between human writing and AI writing with proven reliability.


Quick Verification

Use our AI writing detector to analyze any text in seconds and get immediate results.

AI Detector Tool Use Cases

Academic Work

Use our AI text detector to verify student essays and assignments, ensuring they aren't created by ChatGPT or other AI writers.



Content Verification

Apply our free AI detector to scan articles and posts, catching AI-written content before publication.



Professional Documents

Employ our AI writing detector to validate that business proposals and reports are human-authored.



Academic Integrity

Utilize our GPT detector to identify AI-generated text in student submissions and research work.



Employment Screening

Run job applications through our AI writer detector to ensure authentic, human-created applications.


Research Validation

Use our advanced AI detector tools to verify research papers meet authenticity standards, free from AI generated text.



Why Choose Our AI Detector

Get reliable AI detection results instantly.

Free AI Detection

Our ChatGPT detector and AI writing detector tools help you quickly verify content authenticity

Quality Assurance

Use our advanced AI detector free to ensure all content - from essays to business documents - passes authenticity checks

Deep Text Analysis

Our AI text detector tools differentiate between:

  1. Human-written content
  2. AI generated text
  3. Content modified by AI writer detector

Questions About PromptOpti's? We have Answers!

Please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to assist you and provide any additional.

We work with third-party tools like OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini. Any use of your content will be subject to their specific terms and conditions regarding data usage and model training. Please refer to their policies for more details. In addition, we may use user data to improve our services.
Currently, we are offering the product for free to gather feedback and improve our services. However, this policy may change in the future. Any updates will be communicated accordingly.
Yes, we are currently developing an API key for seamless integration, aiming to enhance user experience with our service.
While we strive to provide reliable results, the final responsibility for the accuracy and safety of the output lies with the user. We recommend thoroughly reviewing the results, as we do not take liability for any potential issues or damages caused by the use of our services.

All set to level up your LLM app?


Writers and Bloggers

Our ChatGPT Prompt Generator is perfect for writers and bloggers looking to take their content creation to the next level. Whether you're crafting blog posts or articles, this tool generates optimized prompts to inspire creativity and refine your ideas. Generate fresh writing prompts to keep your audience engaged while maintaining your unique voice.